BORN | 10.11.1975 |
IN | Bad Hersfeld, Germany |
JOB TITLE | Clinical Psychologist Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Consultant |

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST | Extensive professional background in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Child&Adolescent Psychology, Behaviour Therapy, Counseling, Training and Supervision |
MHPSS EXPERT | Extensive field experience in MHPSS Humanitarian Emergency Response, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Programming, Assessments and Evaluations |
STAFF CARE EXPERT | Extensive professional experience in the delivery of Psychological Staff Care and Stress Management Skills for Humanitarian Aid Workers, Psychological First Aid and Trauma Counseling |
ANALYTICAL SKILLS | Experienced researcher, skilled in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, experienced in programme design and conceptualization |
COMMUNICATIVE AND INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCE, STRESS TOLERANCE | High ability to reflect and adapt own behaviours, able to analyze and work with interpersonal dynamics, highly motivated and able to work in teams, able to work under stressful and extraordinary conditions |
MHPSS CONSULTANCIES | + MHPSS Programme Conceptualization, Needs Assessments, Trainings, Monitoring&Evaluation, Supervision + Focus Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Gender, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), Children&Adolescents, Refugees&Migrants + Training of Psychosocial Lay Counselors/Peer Counselors |
STAFF SUPPORT | + Self Care and Stress Management for Humanitarian Aid Workers + Staff Care, Team Supervision & Coaching |
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY | + Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents + Lecturer and Supervisor for Psychotherapy |
MHPSS TRAINING CONSULTANCY | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Trainer/Facilitator of the training course ‘Working with refugees and people affected by violence – Introduction Course Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)’ • Gaziantep/Bursa/Ankara, Turkey • Rabat, Marocco • Frankfurt/Mannheim/Bonn, Germany • Arua, Uganda • Sanaa, Yemen (Online Format) • Banjul, Gambia Participants: Turkish teachers and school principals, actors of Civil Society and Members of the Moroccan Ministry for Asylum and Migration, employees of GIZ Migrants Reception Centres worldwide, employees of Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. worldwide, GIZ ‚RISE‘ project staff (‚Response to Increased Demand on Government Service and Creation of Economic Opportunities‘ Uganda), Career Guidance Counselors • Online and Live Course Formats June 2018- ongoing |
MHPSS TRAINING | SAVE THE CHILDREN GERMANY Between Flight and Arrival – Training in Psychosocial Support for Helpers of Refugee Children and Families April 2023 – Dec 2023 |
MHPSS CONSULTANCY | CARITAS INTERNATIONAL ETHIOPIA Saving Lives and Restoring Dignity of War Affected Households in Abergele District – Tigray Region March 2022 |
MHPSS ONLINE TRAINING CONSULTANCY | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Trainer/Facilitator of the training course ‘Working with refugees and people affected by violence – Introductory online-course on Mental Health and Psychoso-cial Support (MHPSS) for staff working in the context of forced migration and/or (post) conflict settings Participants: GIZ national staff Yemen Sept-Oct 2021 |
MHPSS CONSULTANCY | CARITAS INTERNATIONAL JORDAN In-depth analysis and further development of the Monitoring and Evaluation System of the MHPSS Programme Component Jan 2021 – June 2021 |
MHPSS CONSULTANCY | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Western Balkans – (PaCT) Project Assessment, Capacity Building and Development of Context Specific Toolbox for Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Success and Psychosocial Wellbeing Nov 2020 – May 2021 |
MHPSS ONLINE TRAINING | MAX PLANCK FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND THE RULE OF LAW Online Security Training for Project Managers facilitated by PLAN4RISK Training Modules ‚Stress Basics‘ and ‚Dealing with Stress after Critical Incidents‘ Sept 2020 |
TECHNICAL BACKSTOPPING | CARITAS INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA Psychosocial Support and Strengthening Resilience for Victims of Boko Haram Insurgency in Borno State, Nigeria Sept 2020 – Oct 2022 |
MHPSS TRAINING | TERRE DES FEMMES Project ‚Men Standing Up for Gender Equality’/Dpt. Female Genital Mutilation Training ‚Trauma, Healing & Self-Care‘ Sept 2020 |
MHPSS CONSULTANCY | CARITAS INTERNATIONAL JORDAN Development of the Monitoring and Evaluation System for the MHPSS Programme Component July 2020 |
MHPSS TRAINING | ANDREAS HERMES AKADEMIE ‚Stressmanagement and Safe Behaviour in Critical Situations on Mission‘ Webinar for Project Coordinators June 2020 |
SUPERVISION & COACHING | HELLO BETTER Supervision and Coaching for Hotline Staff (Hotline for Psychologically Affected Individuals by the Corona-Crisis) April-June 2020 |
WEBINAR SERIES | CHAMBER OF PSYCHOTHERAPISTS RHINELAND-PALATINATE Webinar-Series ‚The Corona-Crisis – How to Deal with those Affected and the Own Burdens‘ April-June 2020 |
MHPSS CONSULTANCY | HEBREW SHELTERING & IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY (HIAS) Conceptualization of a Community Based Approach to Psychosocial Support (CB-PSS) Site visit and needs assessment in Panama City & Gualaca/Panama Dec 2019-June 2020 |
MHPSS FIELD RESEARCH | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Online Research Project ‚Measuring the effectiveness of MHPSS projects – measuring Psychosocial Wellbeing in Beneficiaries‘ (comparison of GIZ MHPSS programmes in Rwanda, Gaza, Yemen, El Salvador & Sri Lanka) Dec 2019/Jan 2020 |
PSS PROJECT EVALUATION AND CONSULTANCY | TEARFUND UK Project Evaluation ‚Psychosocial Support for Refugees, IDP`s and Local Population of Kirku, Dohuk & Ninewa District, Northern Iraq Review and Revision of PSS Curricula June/July 2019 |
PSS CONSULTANCY | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Design of PSS Project Component and Elaboration of Orientation Note for Psychosocial Support for Returnees, IDPs and the Local Population of Kismayo, Somalia May/June 2019 |
MENTAL HEALTH CONSULTANCY | UNICEF Practical Guide for Minimum Standards for the Protection of Refugees and Migrants in Refugee Accomodation Centres (Standard #4: Prevention of and dealing with situations of violence and suspected violence/risk) Oct-Dec 2018 |
MHPSS APPRAISAL MISSION CONSULTANCY | GERMAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (GIZ) Appraisal Mission ‘Promoting Employment in the Health Sector and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Syria’ July 2018 |
MHPSS TRAINING CONSULTANCY | ST. JOSEF KRANKENHAUS SCHWEINFURT, GERMANY Trainer/Facilitator of the inauguration training of psychosocial lay counselors for the Doctors Without Borders Germany Model Project ‘Low-threshold psychosocial care for refugees in Germany’ in Schweinfurt, Germany Sept 2018- Oct 2021 |
REFUGEE MENTAL HEALTH LIAISON OFFICER | MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF) Mental Health Care Assessment in Germany; Project Coordination, technical Supervision and Evaluation of MSF Germany Model Project for Mental Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Schweinfurt; Public Relations and Advocacy Feb 2016-Jun 2018 |
MENTAL HEALTH OFFICER & ADVISOR | MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF) Domeez&Gawilan Refugee Camps, Northern Iraq; Supervision and Training of Lay Counselors; Mental Health Assessment and Mental Health Project Coordination in Domeez and Gawilan Refugee Camp, Northern Iraq Sept-Nov 2013 |
MENTAL HEALTH OFFICER | MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF) Quetta/Kuchlak/Chaman, Pakistan; Supervision and Training of Lay Counselors and Health Educators; Mental Health Assessment and Mental Health Project Coordination in Kuchlak and Chaman (Refugee Settings) in Baluchistan/Pakistani-Afghan Border Region Jul 2010-Mar 2011 |
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST | CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY, UNIVERSITY CLINIC OF WUERZBURG, GERMANY Psychological Counseling & Behavior Therapy with Children, Adolescents and their Parents; Lecturer for Medical Students & Students of Psychology; Scientific Collaboration 2003-2010 |
MENTAL HEALTH OFFICER & STAFF CARE CONSULTANCY | MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF) Eboal Treatment Centre in Foya, Liberia; Supervision and Training of Lay Counselors in a Medical Emergency Setting (Ebola), Mental Health Project Coordination; Psychological Staff Care of Expat and National Staff Sept-Oct 2014 |
PROJECT EVALUATION | MEDICA MONDIALE COLOGNE Women`s Treatment Centre in Gjakova, Kosovo; Evaluation of the Psychosocial Treatment Component with Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Feb/Mar 2003 |
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST | PRIVATE PRACTICE OEHLER, KLEIN & KREIENKAMP IN WUERZBURG, GERMANY Psychological Counseling & Behavior Therapy with Children, Adolescents and their Parents 2011-2016 |
CLINICAL RESEARCHER | MEDICAL STUDY CENTRE WUERZBURG, GERMANY Scientific Expert Advice and Research Fellowship 2011- 2016 (part time) |
CLINICAL RESEARCHER | MEDICAL STUDY CENTRE WUERZBURG, GERMANY Scientific Expert Advice and Research Fellowship 2011-2016, part-time |
LICENCE SUPERVISOR | Institut für Gesundheitsförderung (IFT) Munich, Germany 2022 |
LICENCE TO PRACTICE PSYCHOTRAUMATHERAPY | Institut fuer Traumabewaeltigung (ITB) Marburg, Germany 2017 |
MEDICAL SCHOOL | Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany (2 semesters) Courses in Anatomy, Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Medical Terminology 2011 |
Ph.D. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychologische Fakultaet Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany The Course of Obesessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents 2009 |
MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGY | Psychologische Fakultaet Julius-Maximilians University Wuerzburg, Germany 2002 |
LICENCE TO PRACTICE PSYCHOTHERAPY | Institut fuer Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltenstherapie (IVV) Philipps University Marburg, Germany (focus Children&Adolescents) 2009 |
MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE | Institute of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Master of International Humanitarian Assistance of the European Union in the Network of Humanitarian Assistance NOHA Courses in project management, anthropology, tropical medicine, international humanitarian law, geopolitics 2003 |
Ruhr University Bochum | Mentor in ‚Movement‘ – Mentoring for Students and Young Scientists |
Federal Chamber of Behaviour Psychotherapists & German Professional Association for Nursing Professions | Live Talk ‚On the psychological strain on medical staff in the Corona Crisis‘ May 2020 Link |
Justus-Liebig University Gießen | Webinar ‚Low-threshold psychosocial support for refugees and migrants & Trauma Basics‘ for participants of the training for behaviour therapists and child and adolescents behaviour therapists May 2020 |
Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) | Lecturer at the IFHV of the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Masterprogramme Network of Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA) of the European Union Module Mental Health & Staff Care 2014-ongoing |
International Social Work for Migrants and Refugees | Lecturer in the Master Programme International Social Work for Migrants and Refugees of the University of Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany Module Mental Health & Psychotraumatology 2016-ongoing |
Tropical Medical Institute Wuerzburg | Lecturer in the Ebola Preparation Course for Relief Units, Mental Health & Health Education Module 2014-ongoing |
German Red Cross | Lecturer in the Ebola Preparation Course for Relief Units, Mental Health & Health Education Module 2014-ongoing |
Supervisor and Lecturer of Psychotherapy | 1.) Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Verhaltensmodifikation (AVM) Wuerzburg, Bamberg, Regensburg, Muenchen, Germany 2.) Institute Verhaltenstherapie, Verhaltensmedizin und Sexuologie (IVS) Nuernberg, Germany 3.) Akademie fuer Psychotherapie (AfP) Erfurt, Germany 4.) Jugendhilfe Creglingen, Wuerzburg, Germany 5.) Trauma Working Group Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Kempten, Germany 6.) Pilot Project Low-Threshold Psychosocial Care for Refugees in Germany, Hospital St. Josef, Reception Centre Schweinfurt, Germany 7.) German Professional Association of Behaviour Therapy (DGVT) |
Guerrero, V. & Zellmann, H. (2019) | Mindeststandards zum Schutz von geflüchteten Menschen in Flüchtlingsunterkünften. Praxisleitfaden. Mindeststandard 4: Prävention und Umgang mit Gewalt- und Gefährdungssituationen/Risikomanagement. UNICEF, Genf, Oktober 2019, published online. Link |
Zellmann, H. (2017) | Zellmann, H. (2017). Easy Access Psychosocial Care for Refugees – A Project Manual. Médecins Sans Frontières, published online. Link |
Bajbouj et al., (2017) | Bajbouj, M., Alabdullah, J., Ahmad, S., Schidem, S., Zellmann, H., Schneider, F., & Heuser, I. (2017). Psychosoziale Versorgung von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland. Erkenntnisse aus der Not- und Entwicklungshilfe. Der Nervenarzt, erschienen online. Link |
Walitza et al. (2011) | Walitza, S., Melfsen, S., Jans, T., Zellmann, H., Wewetzer, C., Warnke, A. (2011). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Deutsches Aerzteblatt international. 108 (11), 173-179. Link |
Zellmann et al. (2009) | Zellmann, H., Jans. T., Irblich, B., Hemminger, U., Reinecker, H., Sauer, C., Lange, K., Tucha, O., Wewetzer, C., Warnke, A., Walitza. S. (2009). Kinder und Jugendliche mit Zwangsstörungen. Eine prospektive Verlaufsstudie. Zeitschrift fuer Kinder und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. 37, 173-182. Link |
DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS (MSF) | Methods for Evaluation and Assessments in Medical Humanitarian Programmes Vienna, Austria, 2014 |
DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS (MSF) | Mental Health Training Course Bakkum, Holland, 2010 |
GERMAN RED CROSS (DRK) | First Aid, Security, Safety and Survival in the Field Training Course Bochum, Germany, 2003 |
GERMAN FEDERAL ASSOCIATION FOR CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT (SBE) | Psychological First Aid & Critical Incident Stress Management Training Bochum, Germany, 2003 |
GERMAN | mother tongue |
ENGLISH | fluent (C1) |
FRENCH | advanced (B1) |
SPANISH | advanced (B1) |
CHRISTIAN KATZER | Head of Operational Unit Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Berlin, Germany Christian.Katzer@berlin.msf.org |
DOMINIQUE SCHMITT | Head of Psychological Department Private Practice Oehler, Klein & Kreienkamp Wuerzburg, Germany D. Schmitt@klein-kreienkamp-oehler.de |
CATERINA MONTI | Public Health Advisor Humanitarian Capacity (HUMCAP), Freelance Public Health Consultant, Castiglioncello, Italy catermon@gmail.com |

+49 (0) 170 2801342
skype-id: henrike.zellmann2012